Lunch and Learn about Chiropractic
I don't ask for help often. It is my nature to keep my needs to myself and am proud to be self-sufficient. But everyone needs help sometimes and I wondered if you might be able to help me. So often, I meet people who had no idea that chiropractic care could be a resource to the health issue they face. And if I had a nickel for every time someone said "if I only knew about chiropractic adjustments years ago!", I'd be swimming in nickels! This being the case, it is so important to spread the message about the benefits of chiropractic care so people don't suffer unnecessarily. The most efficient way to spread the word is in large groups. I am hoping you might be able to provide an introduction to someone who works for a medium to large size small business or corporation, or a branch of a corporation (banks, brokerages) that I may contact to schedule a lunch and learn opportunity or a massage event. Typically an event such as this would be over the lunch period and I would provide lunch or a dessert buffet as well as complimentary chair massages for everyone. There is never any pressure to participate, just an invitation. I have never had less than raving reviews from any company I have visited. Thank you for taking a moment to think about who you know that could open the door for this kind of opportunity. If someone comes to mind, please give me a shout so we can arrange an introduction that you are comfortable with. Dr. Heidi