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Choosing a chiropractor is easy, you probably pass one's office every day. But chiropractors, like every profession, vary in their technique, approach and focus, so how do you know if the office close to you is a great match for your needs? We've outlined 3 questions to help you decide.



Question 1: Does the chiropractor have the tools and partnerships to effectively treat your condition?

It is important to know if the doctor has necessary tools that would improve the outcome of your care. For example, not all chiropractic offices have x-ray equipment, but it is my professional opinion that it is important to see what you are adjusting before doing so. In some cases, x-rays are not a necessity to make a clinical decision but I prefer to have access to as much information as possible in complicated cases. A lack of x-ray equipment could mean the difference between a quick recovery and a lengthy one or could delay necessary referral to a specialist.


"My patients deserve the best health care possible, provided in the safest, most professional environment. We use state-of-the-art X-ray equipment which minimizes exposure, keeping the patient safe. This digital X-ray equipment is fast, makes sharing with other providers easy and is great for showing patients what their spine looks like."- Dr. Heidi Arabia


Secondly, a chiropractor who collaborates with other practitioners can help you get the specific care you need to feel better faster. Look for a doctor who has in-house therapists available. A group of professionals working together, in the same location, toward your health goal is beneficial for many reasons. Beyond mere convenience, your condition will benefit from the collaborative approach and your insurance will be utilized in a way that reduces your out-of-pocket expense.


Question 2: Does the office accept and efficiently make use of your health insurance benefits?

When you have health insurance that covers your care in a chiropractic office, its important to know how much care you will receive under that insurance and if your out-of-pocket expenses are affordable. Offices with a distinct billing department will have the professional experience to make the most of what your insurance offers. As each insurance company and individual plan varies, be sure to find a chiropractic office that can work with your benefits.

"Our Insurance Department is top-notch. I am very proud of my team of billing specialists, who takes time with each patient to ensure they are receiving the maximum benefit allowed by their insurance company. That peace of mind relieves the patient of worry so they can focus on getting well. You can call our Insurance Specialist today to verify how much chiropractic and massage your insurance will pay for."-Dr. Heidi Arabia


Question 3: Does the chiropractor offer a customized adjustment plan for each patient?


Many times, a chiropractor will have a favorite method of adjusting which can become a 'one size fits all' adjustment. When choosing a doctor, ask if she has a variety of skills and techniques that allows her to customize her adjustment to fit each person's needs. Not everyone likes or responds to the same style of adjusting and it is important to choose your first chiropractor with this in mind.


"I pride myself on having a tool in my bag of tricks to suite just about everyone's needs and preferences. Under my care, no two people receive the same adjustment. When you need a doctor who will listen to your concerns and make accommodations to fit your needs, Dr. Heidi should be your first choice. You will feel relaxed, and secure that you are being given the best chiropractic care possible."-Dr. Heidi Arabia
If my style and methods feel like a good fit for you, please call 770-592-2505 now and ask for Dr. Heidi.
chiropractor woodstock ga

Choosing the Right Chiropractor

3 Easy Questions



Tuesday 9-12, 3-6

Thursday 9-12, 3-6

Friday 9-1



2453 Towne Lake Parkway

Woodstock, Georgia 30189

Tel: 770-592-2505

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